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2004-04-26 - 8:38 a.m.

it is usual for me to get to work, get shit sorted and then do my diaryland thang before loads more work comes in.

this has not been the case of late as work has not stopped piling in wheather Im here or not. It has been a shit fight to say the least and continues to be the polar opposite of serenity here.

so I may not get too far this morning in my litle personal rant about the trials and tribs of bieng an entity like me.

That being said, I find myself eerily empty and lifeless this morning. My brother and the most wonderful Penny departed last night, just as I was getting used to having them around DAMN IT.

It never ceases to amaze me just how easy it is that we fit back together again like it was last week that we saw each other rather than 2 years ago. I am slowly coming to terms with the upheaval of losing them again and will no doubt have an episode of lament later this month. My emotions have to push through walls of murky padding that helps to sheild me from the crap that could get me really upset if I thought about it for too long. Only the real stuff gets through and it takes a while.


Peter Gabriel didnt help me feel any better this morning on the IPOD. The UP album is pretty good. some wierd moments.


Vacuous, bare, blank, devoid, hollow, lacking, minus, missing, nonexistent, omitted, unavailable, vacant.

It did make me feel a bit better that MY choice of discriptive word (vacuous) for how empty I was feeling was better than the rest of the thesaurus's choices.




Wane - Wax

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